October 19, 2008

When Financial Matters

Assalamualaikum wbt

Insya Allah, we'll be paid for being a FYDO (first year dental officer) for one and half month tomorrow. Alhamdulillah, the moment that I have been waiting for, eager to see the sparkling eyes, to hear the cherish of the voices of the loved ones, to see the grateful tears from my parents and also my 'honey the biggie' and also my 'tall dark-handsome' brother. How I wish I could share the moment with them. Unfortunately, I am here, being apart from them by the North China Sea (Chewah!Hehehe)

How much do we earn, as a Semenanjung FYDO working in Sarawak? Haha, lets keep it a secret, eh? Or else, the doctors, teachers, or anybody wants to work here,they will come here just because we earn more then the locals.Not so good, tau, thinking so much of 'duit..duit..duit'

The fact is :thinking about financial is no doubt a must, for any career woman, or man. I discussed with my roomate about this financial thingy and it becomes a daily routine. Is that so important that we have to discuss it everyday? It is not that important, but frankly speaking I have to decide and prepare for unforeseen things. I have to think about my parents, my 'honey da biggie', my 'tall and dark handsome' brother. They aid me alot during this journey, so I have to be good to them right?

I have to organize well the money I get, spent and bred, to ensure that this source of 'rezeki' will not prohibit me to meet my Eternal Lover, Allah. I have read "Wang, Anda dan Islam' written by UZAR, and thus, it is the time to apply, to implement, and to confine my trust in any Islamic bankings. I have to own a credit card (of course for my flight ticket!) but I am now doing so much homework about this whole credit card (Bank Islam charged 18% per year and CIMB charged you an interest of 18%) and both of them do not have any registration fees. So what is the difference between the convensional banks and also the approved by Syariah banks? Aha, confusing right?

Dear dearies. If you are not equipped enough with any financial 'ilm, please be fully equipped. Please be ensure that the rezki we get is halalan and thoyyibah. For a start, let us read some UZAR's articles. Interest is different from charge. As possible as we can, please avoid any kind of riba'. Because the money will flow to our whole body, and it became the flash in the body, and it will become Haram. Haram, forbids any du'a to be accepted by Allah. We need prayers, as we communicate directly with our Lord through prayers.

Just remember, money is not everything, but money can be the only source if the prayers is not accepted, and money can be the curse or a bless. It depends on us. Choose which one, a Jannah or an Naar?

Suggested readings:

1. Bank Islam Lebih Mahal?

2.The Difference Between Islamic Banks and Conventional Bank

3.Hukum Penggunaan Kad Kredit Menurut Syariah

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