October 19, 2008

When Financial Matters

Assalamualaikum wbt

Insya Allah, we'll be paid for being a FYDO (first year dental officer) for one and half month tomorrow. Alhamdulillah, the moment that I have been waiting for, eager to see the sparkling eyes, to hear the cherish of the voices of the loved ones, to see the grateful tears from my parents and also my 'honey the biggie' and also my 'tall dark-handsome' brother. How I wish I could share the moment with them. Unfortunately, I am here, being apart from them by the North China Sea (Chewah!Hehehe)

How much do we earn, as a Semenanjung FYDO working in Sarawak? Haha, lets keep it a secret, eh? Or else, the doctors, teachers, or anybody wants to work here,they will come here just because we earn more then the locals.Not so good, tau, thinking so much of 'duit..duit..duit'

The fact is :thinking about financial is no doubt a must, for any career woman, or man. I discussed with my roomate about this financial thingy and it becomes a daily routine. Is that so important that we have to discuss it everyday? It is not that important, but frankly speaking I have to decide and prepare for unforeseen things. I have to think about my parents, my 'honey da biggie', my 'tall and dark handsome' brother. They aid me alot during this journey, so I have to be good to them right?

I have to organize well the money I get, spent and bred, to ensure that this source of 'rezeki' will not prohibit me to meet my Eternal Lover, Allah. I have read "Wang, Anda dan Islam' written by UZAR, and thus, it is the time to apply, to implement, and to confine my trust in any Islamic bankings. I have to own a credit card (of course for my flight ticket!) but I am now doing so much homework about this whole credit card (Bank Islam charged 18% per year and CIMB charged you an interest of 18%) and both of them do not have any registration fees. So what is the difference between the convensional banks and also the approved by Syariah banks? Aha, confusing right?

Dear dearies. If you are not equipped enough with any financial 'ilm, please be fully equipped. Please be ensure that the rezki we get is halalan and thoyyibah. For a start, let us read some UZAR's articles. Interest is different from charge. As possible as we can, please avoid any kind of riba'. Because the money will flow to our whole body, and it became the flash in the body, and it will become Haram. Haram, forbids any du'a to be accepted by Allah. We need prayers, as we communicate directly with our Lord through prayers.

Just remember, money is not everything, but money can be the only source if the prayers is not accepted, and money can be the curse or a bless. It depends on us. Choose which one, a Jannah or an Naar?

Suggested readings:

1. Bank Islam Lebih Mahal?

2.The Difference Between Islamic Banks and Conventional Bank

3.Hukum Penggunaan Kad Kredit Menurut Syariah

October 13, 2008

Apa Sudah Jadi?

'DAtuk' Shah Rukh Khan! Hahahahaha

Alasannya, kerana telah berjaya mempopularkan Melaka. Kalau dahulu Melaka terkenal kerana menjadi salah satu pusat penyebaran Islam di Asia Tenggara, tapi sekarang Melaka terkenal kerana seorang 'Datuk' yang sudah mempopularkan Melaka, dengan lakonannya. Apa dah jadi ni?

Maaf, saya bukan orang politik untuk bercakap dari segi politik. Tetapi, mana-mana orang yang beraqal waras tentu terfikir, kenapa Shah Rukh Khan, kenapa tak orang Melaka yang lebih banyak memberi sumbangan? Cukup saya sebutkan, bekas Dekan kami, our 'founding dean' yang sekarang sudah menjadi konsultan di Dubai dalam bidang 'Oral Surgery dan Maxillofacial', Prof. Dr Rani Samsuddin. Pada saya, menjadi pengasas Pusat Pengajian Sains Pergigian, menjadi pakar yang cukup banyak menghasilkan journal-journal yang bermanfaat, kajian yang bermanfaat, pertolongan yang diberikan kepada pesakit-pesakitnya, dan sebagainya melayakkan dirinya mendapat habuan lebih jika dibandingkan dengan Shah Rukh Khan! (Semoga usaha beliau dibalas oleh Allah dengan rahmat dan keampunan dariNya) Dan apa yang lebih penting, Prof. Rani lahirnya di Melaka!

Entah..Apabila hiburan itu yang diutamakan, perkara lain sudah tidak nampak sudah...Siapa sebenarnya yang kuras BERFIKIR ni? Confuse...

October 07, 2008

Islam Itu Dagang

Daripada Abu Hurairah RA berkata :Rasulullah SAW bersabda "Islam mula tersebar dalam keadaan asing, dan ia akan kembali asing. Maka beruntunglah orang-orang yang asing" HR Muslim

Kata-kata peringatan Rasulullah SAW sentiasa membawa bekas dalam hati. Apatah lagi di bumi Sarawak ini yang mana, pembudayaan Islam masih lagi agak kurang. Beraya di sini, tidak sah sekiranya tuan rumah yang lelaki Muslim menghulurkan tangan untuk bersalam, menjadikan kami semakin terkial-kial.

Sabda Rasulullah SAW:
"Adalah ditusuk kepala dengan jarum besi lebih baik daripada menyentuh perempuan yang tidak halal baginya." (HR at-Thabrani, Al-Albani mensahihkannya Sahih al-Jami’ as-Saghir: 5045).

Setakat ini, Alhamdulillah, saya masih lagi diberi kekuatan untuk tidak bersalam, tanpa sesekali niat menjatuhkan air muka orang. Sedaya mungkin saya cuba menghormati agama saya, pada masa yang sama menghormati air muka orang. Moga ini terus-terusan diistiqamahkan.

Allah, ini baru sahaja tentang bab muamalat. Belum lagi adat-adat lain : membuang peraga sewaktu majlis perkahwinan dan sebagainya. Sebagai seorang yang terlalu baru di bumi Sarawak ini, saya tidak boleh terus-terusan menerjah budaya. Ya Allah, permudahkanlah.

Terkadang terharu tatkala membaca sirah Rasulullah saw. Islam itu dagang pada awalnya. Bagaimana kekuatan, kesabaran ketika Islam itu terlalu asing di bumi Arab, namun akhirnya Islam itu jualah yang membawa ketamadunan, baik dalam segalanya.Rasulullah menyatukan semua dengan satu aqidah, dengan satu faham, bahawa hanya nilai taqwa yang diperhatikan oleh Allah, tiada perbezaan darjat atau kasta.

Kelantan dan Sarawak dua negeri berbeza. Di Kelantan, setiap hari Jumaat, bandar-bandarnya akan dipenuhi dengan lautan manusia untuk menadah ilmu agama, Subhanallah, betapa taman-taman syurga terlalu mudah didapati di Kelantan. Di Sarawak, agak sukar. Alhamdulillah, telah berhubung dengan sahabat-sahabat Papisma, moga taman-taman ilmu kan makin subur di Sarawak. Di Sarawak, untuk mencari makanan halal pun kita perlu melihat bertudung kah orangnya, kerana Non Muslim dan Muslim agak sukar dibezakan.

Di Kelantan (during my undergrad), jarang-jarang benar melihat kes kemalangan yang melibatkan seorang Islam yang kemalangan jalan raya akibat mabuk 'menuang arak'. Di Kelantan jarang sangat saya melihat kes orang dicalar dengan kaca gelas. Tapi di sini, saya sudah berjumpa, dan antaranya adalah Muslim..Ya Allah, ampunilah mereka, dan kasihilah mereka...

Semoga Allah memudahkan segala urusan.

PS :"Nurul, I bet, you will fall in love with Sarawak one day, hehehe" Dr Lu said to me this morning. I just replied with a big grin "Ok, wait and see..Hehehe'

October 02, 2008

Taqabballahu minna waminkum (revisited)

Sunnah Nabi s.a.w adalah sebagaimana yang diceritakan oleh al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani r.h yang dinukilkan daripada Jubair bin Nufair r.a katanya:

“Apabila para sahabat Rasulullah s.a.w bertemu di hari raya, sebahagian mereka mengucapkan kepada yang lain ‘taqabbalullah minna waminka’ (Semoga Allah menerimaamalan kami dan amalanmu).” – Rujuk Fath al-Bari, al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani, , jil. 5, ms. 270-271. Menurut beliau hadis ini berstatus hasan.

Assalamualaikum. Salam aidilfitri, maaf zahir batin daripada kami sekeluarga 2 weeks being here in Sarawak, the place I called 'alienated world', I think I am getting to like Kuching. I just hope, that Allah will ease everything here. I have tasks to be done, and I am figuring out how can I spread the beauty of Islam here. Lord, please guide us through out this journey.

Being here for 2 weeks, and celebrating hari raya here is a very new experience. When takbir is loud, the more heartbroken I am, but surprisingly, I don't cry. I called my big family in Ulu Yam, and they conveyed their best wishes to me. Thank you, everybody.

I promised a junior to update about Sarawak. As this is still the festive season, I will tell a little bit about how Muslim celebrate eid mubarak here. Each house will serve carbonated drinks and also kek lapis (yikes, soooo much of sugar maa, so high risk for decayed teeth.ehe). If a house serve a cordial drink, you can make a brilliant guess, he is from Semenanjung. They will wear the most beautiful or the best 'baju raya' until the 3rd day, and you can see the gentlemen gorgeously wearing 'baju melayu' and 'sampin' until the 7th raya which is very rare to be seen in Semenanjung! Thus credit to them for practising the sunnah.
"Aku lebih menyukai seseorang memakai pakaian terbaik yang dimilikinya pada hari-hari raya, iaitu pada hari Jumaat, dua hari raya (Aidiladha dan Aidilfitri) dan tempat diadakan majlis (seperti majlis perkahwinan). Dia hendaklah memakai baju yang bersih dan memakai wangi-wangian." – Rujuk Ringkasan Kitab Al-Umm, Imam al-Syafi’I, jil. 1, ms. 327.

Public transportation is not as good as in Semenanjung, and the roads are not as smooth as in Semenanjung, in certain areas like Kapit, we still have to use the boats, because of the unavalaible land road there, but please never underestimate Sarawak. Kuching, is quite developed, it is like Ipoh, with the biggest shopping mall, is The Spring which is equal to Mahkota Parade in Melaka, or KB Mall in Kelantan, but there are no Mydins or Tescos here. Some goods are more expensive then in Semenanjung, syampoos, conditioner, toner, cleanser, moisturizer, hmm not to forget FOOD! Thank you to my cute-yet-macho-and-brave sweetheart, MBP6191 for being here. You are just as brave as I am, to face the Noth China Sea (aha..exaggerating, eh??:p)

Working here, hmm, I am not very sure about my medical colleque. I am now in Hospital Umum Sarawak where it is fully equipped with the latest dental technologies. Working is different from your study. During your study you can say"Dr, I cant extract the tooth! Please help me", but now you have to do your own thinking, your own decision, your own analyzing in each cases that you encounter. There are specialists to help you, but where's your own responbilities in each patients that you treat? So, as Muslim Doctor, be knowledgable, be responsbile, and what matters most is put Taqwa in everything. Just remember, you are His slave, and you will be asked every single thing you did in this temporary world. Besides, you are dealing with the best of His creation, with complete package or emotions, 'aqal, and everything else that you have to consider.
There are zillion interesting cases I learnt during these two weeks. Most of our patients are referred from our medical part, a medical compromise patients, patient with congenital defect, patient with malignant cancer etc ( who said dental deals with oral only eh??). We will have combined clinic with ENTs, plastic surgeons, oncologist, pathologists every fortnight. Hmm, quite interesting! But in term of hands on, I think, mine is less compared to my friend in Semenanjung. Maybe in Kota Samarahan, I will gain lots of experience. Dear my dearie Junior, I will ask my medical friend about gaining experience in Sarawak. Please remind me, honey :)

Well, It is all about hablum minannaas. You have to deal with a so called 'political office'. A staff will tell you about another staff, and another staff will step back the other and it goes around. Again, the concept of Taqwa is here. Remember, each single words that you spread will be asked, besides do you dare to eat your own's relative flesh? Aha, yikes!

1.50 am, during the second hari raya. I got on-call just now. (it is not on-call but tagging, but I dont know how to explain about this tagging). "Ani, please pray to your Lord. I am here only to help. I cant do much, but your Lord will do". Guess who said that? A senior DO, who is beleiving his Buddha teachings.

How about us Muslim Doctors or any future-to-be doctors? Can we install the concept of God the Almighty, Allah is the Only God in our patients heart?
Insya Allah,I will update later. With broadband you can surf anywhere whenever you want although you are heading to Gunung Santubong! Hehehe :D
Moga Ramadhan yang lalu benar-benar mampu diistiaqamahkan. Ya Allah permudahkanlah..