March 18, 2008

Selagi ada usaha


7.45 - Tiba di klinik, sterile instruments patients semalam
8.00 -Sign in kehadiran, reporting all the treatments done yesterday (4 patients without lecturer's signature)
8.15 - Breakfast
8.25 - Get ready for next patient
11.30 - Second patient miss called, and a text msg received "Cik Nurul, saya kat luar"
11.45 - Get ready for the next patient, call him in
12.30 - Finish the second patient
12.30 -3rd patient came " Kak Diyana, saya dah sampai"
12.35 - "Dr, this is my third patient, i would like to issue URA"
1.30 - "Ok, U did a good job today. But you look tired"
1.35 - " I am tired Dr. But its ok..Few weeks left, insya Allah"
1.45 - Get ready for the next patient at 2
2.00 - Scaling and prophylaxis done
3.30 - AR class I for seond patient
4.15 - "Diyana, I got class IV patient right on my chair, come, I give you the patient now"
5.40 - Settled down the third patient..and really EXHAUSTED!
6.00 - " Kak Diyana, kami sume tunggu akak kat depan desa masing-masing"
6.05 - "Diyana, saya ada masalah kat lab. Nak minta tolong buka impression. Saya tolong kemaskan and sterile barang-barang awak"
6.15 - 7 miss calls.."Adik-adik maaf, akak baru habis patient. Akak nak solat jap"
6.25 - Buka impressions, buat base, and call kawan tadi " Study models awak kat cafe. Sorry base tak lawa"
6.30 - "Kak Diyana akak kat ner?" Another call received
6.35 - " Ok jom. Insya Allah I'm ready" Suara agak tinggi, agak marah dengan desakan desakan..
6.45 - Off to Bachok
7.15 - Solat
8.35 _ arrive at the program
8.40 - Solat
8.50 - drive back alone to USM with EMOTIONALLY FATIGUE, PHYSICALLY EXHAUSTED, MENTALLY unstable
9.30 - call my mom..burst into tears.."Mama, along dah tak larat..."


emotionally fatigue..physically exhausted, and mentally unstable
A Muslim is someone EMOTIONALLY stable, Physically fit, and mentally prepared
Insya Allah, tiada putus asa melainkan putus asa itu ciri-ciri orang kafir
Tiada putus asa bagi orang yang yakin dengan pertemuan denganNya
Tiada putus asa andai setiap kerja itu adalah ibadah

Rabbi yassir wa la tu'assir


Anonymous said...


luahan rasa ye...
biasalah ne baru zaman study blm kerja kan..

igatlah, dikala kita kecil itulah yg dirasai oleh ibubapa kita singmalam untuk kita renungngilah....
alhamdulilah anti anak yg baik mungkin kurang merasai apa yang saya rasai...

kadangkala lihat anak didik saya sendiri terlintas dihati itulah diri ku dulu....smoga ALLAH kekalkan hidayah pada hambanya ini.
just kongsi maklumat...

p/s amalkanlah zikir yg Nabi Muhammad saw ajarkan pada putrinya. (zikir fatimah) amalkan sblum tidur.

anonymous said...

btul ukht.. adapt yourself fast.. smua org dpt 24jam.. tp kenapa ada org berjaya dan kenapa ada org yg gagal?

renung2kn.. ;)

Ummu Yazid said...

jzkk to both of you..
we are adapting fast, because we are really in hurry for something..
something beyond this small world..

May Allah ease evaerything.
rabbi yassir wa la tu'assir

Anonymous said...


syukran ya ukht... rasa takut pulak nak melalui masa-masa kerja sbg doktor bila baca ni. hehe..

tp insyaAllah, kalau dgn niat yg betul, ana yakin kita mampu melalui setiap cabaran...

berusahalah dan tuntutlah ilmu demi Islam, sahut kembali wahyu pertama yg diturunkan kpd ummat Islam, insyaAllah...

Ummu Yazid said...

jzkk ya ukhti
insya allah
allah ma'aki :)
the keyword is : IHSAN

rabbi yassir wa la tu'assir

Anonymous said...

Muslims are humans.we have ups and downs in living our lives,we are never physically fit all the time,never emotionaly stable all the time,and never mentally stable all the time.but the things that differ us from the non muslims are,we are content with whatever had happened(everything is Allah's decree),we dont say what we are not supposed to say(blame Allah and the taqdir),and never do what we are not supposed to do(do things that the shariah is against and suicide).

sabda Baginda bermaksud: “Sungguh hebat keadaan orang mukmin, mereka sentiasa berkeadaan baik. Tidak terjadi yang demikian itu kecuali pada diri orang mukmin. Jika dia mendapat kesenangan dia bersyukur, hal ini adalah kebaikan. Dan jika dia ditimpa kesusahan dia bersabar, itu juga kebaikan.” (Hadis riwayat Imam Muslim)

Sabda Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud: “Seorang Muslim yang ditimpa kecelakaan, kemiskinan, kesedihan, sakit mahupun dukacita hatta tertusuk duri sekalipun nescaya Allah akan menebus dosa-dosanya dengan apa yang menimpanya itu.” (Hadis Muttafaqun Alaih)

Anonymous said...

Muslims are humans.we have ups and downs in living our lives,we are never physically fit all the time,never emotionaly stable all the time,and never mentally stable all the time.but the things that differ us from the non muslims are,we are content with whatever had happened(everything is Allah's decree),we dont say what we are not supposed to say(blame Allah and the taqdir),and never do what we are not supposed to do(do things that the shariah is against and suicide).

sabda Baginda bermaksud: “Sungguh hebat keadaan orang mukmin, mereka sentiasa berkeadaan baik. Tidak terjadi yang demikian itu kecuali pada diri orang mukmin. Jika dia mendapat kesenangan dia bersyukur, hal ini adalah kebaikan. Dan jika dia ditimpa kesusahan dia bersabar, itu juga kebaikan.” (Hadis riwayat Imam Muslim)

Sabda Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud: “Seorang Muslim yang ditimpa kecelakaan, kemiskinan, kesedihan, sakit mahupun dukacita hatta tertusuk duri sekalipun nescaya Allah akan menebus dosa-dosanya dengan apa yang menimpanya itu.” (Hadis Muttafaqun Alaih)

Ummu Yazid said...

ya ukhti..
jazakillahu khairan kathira ya ukhti
i remembered when i was blaming allah,
He touched my heart wiht his lovely words,
He reminded me that He sent us the prophet saw so that we can apply all the guidance..

ya ukhti...
jazakillahu khairan kathira..
uhubbuki lillahi taala

thank you for always giving the nasihah
ya ukhti
thank yaou for the advices 'sabar kak diyana..sabar kak"
thank you again dear..

I was touched by those words especially from Him and His messenger..

dear ukhti..
may Allah bless you
May Allah guide you fiddunya wal akhirah
Ya ukhti
innaLLAHa maassobireen

Anonymous said...

utk diri sendiri jugak kak..