August 17, 2010

A special dedication to those that really matters

Alhamdulillah, time really flew fast, it is the 7th day of Ramadhan. Hoping that we really put the maximum effort to be the most righteous person : THE AL MUTTAQEEN.

And indeed, Mr Time flies faster that i've ever thought. It is the second month with the wife title. I just noticed, I haven't show them how much did I really appreciate their effort (except in the Facebook).

 Mereka memudahkan urusan saya untuk melengkapkan iman saya, kerana perkahwinan itu melengkapkan sebahagian daripada iman. Mereka memudahkan saya untuk mendapat tenang untuk beribadah sebagaimana termaktub dalam surah Ar Rum : 21. Mereka memudahkan urusan saya agar pandangan dan kehendak fitrah saya tersalur dalam keadaan halal. Mereka memudahkan saya untuk mendapat lorong-lorong kebaikan daripada sebuah perkahwinan. Mereka juga yang mendoakan agar kekuatan terus-terusan bersama kami. Jazakumullahu khairan kathira. Sesungguhnya hanya Allah yang mampu membalas jasa baik mereka. I browsed through some Bukhari and Muslim compilation of hadiths, and I found this

Dari Abu Hurairah RA., dia berkata, Rasulullah SAW bersabda,
“Barangsiapa yang meringankan penderitaan seorang Mukmin di dunia, niscaya Allah akan meringankan penderitaan (kesulitan)nya kelak di hari Kiamat dan barangsiapa yang memudahkan urusan orang yang mengalami kesulitan, niscaya Allah akan memudahkan urusannya di dunia dan akhirat. Siapa saja yang menutupi (aib) seorang Muslim, maka Allah akan menutupi (aib) nya di dunia dan akhirat. Dan Allah selalu menolong hamba-Nya selama si hamba tersebut menolong saudaranya. Siapa saja yang menempuh suatu jalan guna mencari ilmu, maka Allah akan memudahkan baginya jalan menuju surga. Dan tidaklah suatu kaum (kelompok) berkumpul di salah satu rumah Allah sembari membaca Kitabullah dan mengkajinya di antara sesama mereka melainkan ketenangan akan turun di tengah mereka, rahmat meliputi mereka dan malaikat mengelilingi mereka serta Allah akan menyebut mereka di sisi para malaikat. Siapa saja yang menjadi lamban karena amalnya (sehingga amal shalihnya menjadi kurang), maka tidak cukup baginya hanya (bermodalkan) nasab.”

Here are the wishes for them, the one who really put the effort to ease the walimatul urusy. Sesungguhnya perkahwinan adalah penyermpurna sebahagian iman. Ya Allah kupohon padaMu rahmatilah mereka. Permudahkan urusan-urusan yang membawa kebaikan buat mereka.

Ya ALLAH, please shower them with THOU mercy and blessings ...

To mama : you are always great. The one who always lend me her shoulders when i need them most, the one who always wanted the best for her kids, the one who always sooth her kids when they are in the most deepest hurt. the one who always wanted the best for her kids, thank you mama, for being the greatest mama :)

To ayah, thank you for everything. The hardships, the sacrifices for us. You are stern, but yet the stern make us whom we are now. Thank you ayah for your unconditional love and support :)

To angah : thank you, thank you, thank you. I respect the calm, yet being a wise middle person in the family. Indirectly, you taught me how to be humble. You are wise in giving advise. Thank you for being the obedient and caring son to your parents, thank you for being the supportive brother to your sisters. Thank you :)

To adik : frankly speaking, I adore you. You're the naughtiest and cheeky in the family. But you always respect the authority more than me.You are fair and you are honest. You grumble, but you showed your undivided attention towards the big day. How I'm so grateful to have you dear sister :)

To pemudah cara  yang mungkin tidak perlu saya sebutkan nama (but i will always remember, Insya Allah)  : Jazakumullahu khairan kathira

To wancik and her family, thank you so much for the efforts, for supporting us during the hardest time. Husni, Huda and family, Abg Joe and family, Abg Emi and family, abg Fikri and family, thank you and thank you .. There are no better words to say how I'm touched with the love you showed to us. Thank you so much

To other relatives : thank you so much. Thank you for the positive aura you spread to us. Thank you and thank you :)

To neighbors : Makcik Lela, Makcik Yam, Makcik Tini, Aunty Sham, Makcik Tini and the list goes on. thank you for everything. They said the neighborhood of the new era won't be as close as our grandparents'. But somehow,you prove to them they are wrong.Indeed, we're blessed to have the tight relationship between us.

To sajidah, akma, sanisah : you knew well my storyline. Thank you for being there, when I was so down in everything. be it a personal life, be it a career wise or be it in another aspects. The three of you, are the really the three musketeers in life. Thanks to you guys :D

To friends : thank you for the support. thank you for everything :D

To Adilah and Shazwan's friends : Liyana Athirah, Rayyan, Khairul Amin, Sabree etc (sorry along tak tau nama kawan2 korang) :)

to teachers : Cikgu Haslina, Ustazah Wan Habibah, Kak Meri terima kasih mengingatkan saya tentang erti sebuah perkahwinan. Kepada cikgu yang lain, saya bersyukur dididik oleh kalian =)

Usrahmates : terima kasih kerana sentiasa mengingatkan

to those who helped a lot, thank u for everything. Mentari kreatif,, makcik yam and catering, zila andaman, and etc..

thank u, thank u, n thank u :D


M Nazrul H Nazirmuddin said...

interesting...good luck.

Ummu Yazid said...

jazakallah, semoga urusan enta dipermudahkn juga ya